Mottek on Money Special Edition: Coronavirus Bear Market - Featuring Ryan Harding


Mottek On Money Special Edition - Coronavirus Crisis Bear Market:  A mixed start to the week on Wall Street as businesses and economies slowly reopen while authorities watch the latest coronavirus case numbers and deaths. On Main Street, more bankruptcies among retailers and airlines. Commercial real estate is seeing a big impact as the coronavirus lockdowns continue. Businesses, buildings and offices prepare for the day when people go back to work. An update on what's ahead for the office workplace, commercial real estate, restaurants and more with Ryan Harding, Executive Managing Director, Newmark Knight and Frank in Los Angeles. Stocks see the best month of April in 33 years while the nation's unemployment rate soars to the highest seen since the 1930's in the same month. The disconnect between the Main Street economy and Wall Street, the market outlook and more discussed with Mark Hulbert, Marketwatch columnist and publisher of the Hulbert Digest.

Christopher Torian